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Rosal trepador francesa creada por Meilland Richardier

Gpt. Papa Meilland ®

Gpt. Papa Meilland ®

Regular price €30,20 EUR
Regular price Sale price €30,20 EUR
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“La vie c'est comme un jardin!” Nothing more certain . You can walk along the paths without looking left or right, ignoring the fragrances that reach you with every step, or you can stop for a moment , take a deep breath and enjoy the landscape, thus brightening your soul and your entire life.

The “Papa Meilland” variety, a legend in the world of roses, offers us exactly that: walking through life enjoying the beautiful. You will understand what we mean when you decide to stop in front of it for a moment. Its intense perfume , its elegant elongated flowers with its soft petals of a charming red invite you to put your thoughts in order, and then feel that you are reborn and starting again.

You don't have to believe us; Just listen to rose lovers around the world, who think that the “Papa Meilland” is the most beautiful red rose on the entire planet . They, without a doubt, know how to appreciate the beauty of life.

The highest distinctions obtained in numerous rose exhibitions, including the famous and highly competitive Baden-Baden Rose, where she obtained the Gold Medal for her perfume , as well as her inclusion in the Rose Hall of Fame by the World Federation of Rose Societies. of Roses, make the “Papa Meilland” rose one of the most coveted by all fans.

The “Papa Meilland” rose bush is very vigorous, and has exceptionally beautiful foliage; At maturity, it reaches a height of 3 m, and its large flowers of up to 12 cm with 30-40 petals make its flowering an intense and always surprising spectacle.

Expect the plant to bloom repeatedly throughout the season, from May to late fall. You will surely forget everything you are doing every time you pass by it.

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Famous Roses

You should also know that in everything we have done, do and will do, exceptional quality has been, is and will be our golden rule. It is, if you want, the essence of our offer. We are convinced that ethics and a job well done are vital to the success of the company and therefore, we respect these principles rigorously.